Saturday, October 20, 2012

Tortilla time

So, I've just got back from a beautiful wedding in Minto Heights... A's stepbrother married a gorgeous Vietnamese girl, who steadfastly refused to have a traditional wedding, so we were treated to s spectacular combination of feisty and quirky with a gentle traditionalism entwined through the service. And love. So much love.

Apart from at our table where we dealt with the narcissist  that is my new sister in law. Less love there, but moving on...

I've been wanting to return to blogging for a while now, as I think all of us who blogged do. Yearning for a return to words and community and dialogue that is sadly lacking in the Facebook connection. Not to confused with the rainbow connection. Facebook is anything but that.

I'm sitting on my kitchen floor, typing as A plays his Martin and composes new toons. I'm drinking temperanillo and making a whatever's-in-the-fridge tortilla. Seems apt. Food, music, wine, these are the things that my life is made of. And children. So many of them. All so beautiful and also beautifully not here right now. A chance to breathe, a chance to make espresso martinis and chill out while being jumped on by a psycho kelpie. Is that tautology????

Tautology was one of our 'words of the week' while we were growing up. For some reason my dad decided we all needed to expand our vocab, so he would pick a word in the dictionary at random and we had to learn how to spell it, use it in context etc. Tautology is the only one I can remember, so clearly that was some successful parenting, right there. Kinda like our conversation with one of the kids in the car this afternoon about whether prawns have skeletons or not... Yes, they do, they have exoskeletons etc etc. The amount of useless crap that comes out of our mouths when 'educating' our kids is insane...

And yet bizarrely, I started this post just wanting to ask why Liquorland doesn't home-deliver when I've run out of vodka and want to make more martinis.*

*I literally had enough vodka to make a martini each, I am not that bad. Yet.


Anonymous mizanthrop said...

I love the mental fist pump, gold star parenting moments, when I can actually answer the random questions the kids come out with, without needing to resort to Emporer Nasi Goreng style nonsense. All too often I have to fall back on my staple 'that's a good question, we should google that' which is not nearly as satisfying. Last week master 8 wanted to know if black holes take up [physical] space? Cos you know, they're vacuums inside… My silence was deafening.

Also, care to share your espresso martini recipe? Then I can toast your return to blogging.

21/10/12 10:18 pm  
Anonymous MissE said...

Oh hai, actonb.

Did you get tipsy and blog?

Can you do it again soon?


7/11/12 9:09 pm  
Blogger actonb said...

Well thank you stupid blogger for telling me these lovely people had said something.
*shakes fist at stupid google who run the world, but forgets the Important Stuff like notifying about comments*

3/12/12 6:43 pm  

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