Thursday, October 26, 2006

Cast List

In a vain attempt to maintain anonymity I have a tendency to use a variety of acronyms and pseudonyms... I realise that this could be a little, shall we say, confusing, to the casual reader...

So, hopefully the following crib sheet will help:

The Family B
* Actonb - Me (well der... see here for more)
* MrB - My (currently separated-from) husband of 13 years.
* Misses M, H, I & O - My girls.
* Inigo - the grumpy 11 year old Russian Blue. Rabbit killer extrodinaire.

The Rest of them
* Mum & Dad - threw off the shackles of Shiredom, semi-retiring to Berry. Leaving me to run the family business...
* Tory - my sister, whom I adore. We shared a room until I was 16 and she was 14. I don't think we liked each other that much until she moved to Bathurst to go to Uni...
* The BiL - Tory's husband. I'm getting used to him. It's a struggle at times. This may have something to do with the 'control freak' aspect of my personality.
* Possum Boy - my brother. I know I haven't actually referred to him as such, I've just decided it's appropriate. Especially since his little outburst when I compared him to our bolshy possum.

* Jude - my bestest friend evah. Well kinda. Married to an Anglican minister, now based in the wilds of the Hills district. Has three gorgeous munchkins.
* RevJ - another one of my bestest friends evah. An Anglican minister - although she's been one of MrB's best friends since she was a size 6 professional bra fitter. Currently in exile on the North Shore. Married to...
* The ClergyWife - a friend of mine for the last 20 years. And now I feel so very very old. Sometimes he can get a bit 'too cool for school'. And then I look at our year 7 photo, laugh at the wee boy standing there, all dazed and confused and wing-nutty, and equilibrium is restored to my world.
* S & J - along with Jude, we went to Uni together. That would be all five of us.


Blogger mushroom said...

excellent...i will hasten my plans to stalk them all...muhashahahaha

26/10/06 1:34 pm  
Blogger Mex said...

phew! its back.

26/10/06 2:57 pm  
Blogger fingers said...

What a boring blog...

26/10/06 4:16 pm  
Blogger actonb said...

See? So much more civilised...
Thanks fingers - right back atcha!

26/10/06 4:19 pm  
Blogger Mex said...

at least it updates more than once a month.

26/10/06 5:29 pm  
Blogger actonb said...

Well that's damning with feint praise if ever I heard it...!

26/10/06 5:35 pm  

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