Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Minus Four

One of these days I'm going to be able to pluck one of the many ideas floating around in my head, and actually take it further than a single sentence... here's hoping anyways...

The Black Cockatoos are back in the tall gum behind my house. This is a sure sign summer is on the way (even surer than the warm temperatures of late, even)... it gladdened my heart and raised my spirits to a ridiculous level when I heard their telltale (and oddly mournful) squawking yesterday morning.

I discovered the other day that it is my intrinsic eccentricity and general air of oddness that attracted my gentleman friend - so yay for quirky then... Hey kids! Stay in School! Say No to drugs! True Love waits! And don't worry about being different... it may only take until you're (almost) 35, but one day someone will take you as you are, so don't go changing or trying to fit in or wearing black nailpolish and going all emo, things will be Good one day...
Of course as this conversation was taking place my internal monologue was all 'Huh. When did I turn into Bridget Jones...? Interesting...'

My take on the Global Financial Crisis... Far Out guys... all it takes is for a few of you to grow some and then we won't be having these issues. Financiers = a bunch of pissweak pansies. Heck, I was married to a Economics Major for 13 years, I know what I'm talking about!

I am taking the Big Girls to a couple of seminars tonight. Those seminars... the ones put on by the school and presented by Interrelate... the 'What's happening to me' and the 'More detail about what's happening to me (Plus all about Wet Dreams)' ones... A think there was a communal 'ewwwww grossssssss!' from the three of us when we read the newsletter. But, its tonight. And it won't be awkward AT ALL. But you never know... I could actually learn something! Stay tuned for Actonb's new insights tomorrow!


Blogger Mex said...

you do of course realise that you are obligated to the blogger community to report back on this dont you?? Do you? because you are. and if i dont hear reportage of the evenings events and what actually goes on then i will call and complain. do you hear me?

21/10/08 12:10 pm  
Blogger actonb said...

I realise I am obligated... it was in the small print at the bottom of the form we signed...

And I think I will be bursting with gross stories anyway... especially when you realise that Miss M's definition of a wet dream was 'A boy has a DISGUSTING dream then wets the bed'... to which my mum said gently, 'Oh I think the boy probably thinks it's quite a nice deam actually'.... which led to an hour or so of pondering before M asked me 'So, this nice dream the boys have... are they dreaming about footy or riding their bikes???'

21/10/08 12:43 pm  
Blogger I'm not Craig said...

Wow, this could really take WDTAOK in a new and intriguing direction.

*stays tuned*

21/10/08 8:10 pm  
Blogger Hill upon Hill said...

My you are getting old. Best be careful, I think I am older than you still though.

21/10/08 9:17 pm  
Blogger gigglewick said...

I just came home from baby-sitting duties where I overheard Young A telling Grizzlewick as they were determinedly not sleeping that

"policemen go to sleep wearing only their jocks"

I'm not sure

a) where he found that out
b) whether his evidence is empirical or anecdotal or
c) whether being a policeman is his secret desire or worst nightmare.

these kids are FIVE. They are going to run out of dodgy crap to talk about by the time they're fifteen, honestly.

21/10/08 10:25 pm  
Blogger actonb said...

INC - precisely! The debrief will be posted ot WDTAOK as soon as I've gotten over the excesive use of the word 'scrotum'.

Hills - Ha! You are that for sure...

GW - I love that a 5 yo is using the word 'jocks' - does he even know what they are?

22/10/08 1:44 pm  
Blogger gigglewick said...

Of course he knows what jocks are...

Although now you've got me worried that perhaps I don't.....

22/10/08 6:49 pm  
Blogger eleanor bloom said...

1. I love the haunting squeals of black cockatoos too.
2. Thank God quirky can (possibly, on occasion, sometimes, be patient) be appreciated! There's hope.
3. I too am 'almost 35' (ie. counting down the days). It's scary cos I'm suddenly in shouting distance of 40 (ie. FORTY!)
4. Any Bridget Jones moments are indeed terrifying! (Just stay away from the big knickers...)

3/11/08 7:10 pm  
Blogger gigglewick said...

Hey, did you know that Kate Miller-Heidke has named her new album after this blog*?

* actual facts may vary.

3/11/08 11:13 pm  
Blogger I'm not Craig said...

*continues to stay tuned*

4/11/08 10:35 pm  
Blogger redcap said...

How were those seminars? As uncomfortable as anticipated?

I recommend just getting drunk when you turn 35. I'm counting the days to 36, so I can speak from experience ;)

11/11/08 10:21 am  
Blogger meva said...

I totally endorse Redcap's comment.

I've been drunk since I turned 25 and it works for me!

22/12/09 10:42 pm  

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