Friday, June 20, 2008


The tone in the last post probably left a lot to be desired... sorry about that. But things just ain't all sunshine and skittles, y'know, and trying to bring the light and fluffy doesn't always work. And no, keeping it all angst-free doesn't count, seeing as I'm a sucker for the maudlin at the best of times.

I'm just pissed.

And hurt.

And know that things will be getting worse before they get better, but better they will get.

It all takes time, and if I have an outburst every now and then, then I'm allowed to dammit.



Blogger I'm not Craig said...

Judging by the number of people lining up to engage in a spot of musical reprisal complete with ukeleles directed at your in-laws, I'd say the tone of the previous post was pretty well spot on.

22/6/08 2:43 pm  

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