Facebook Retribution
Last night I made a phone call and drew some lines.
In sand, and under, um, things.
You see, apparently, 14 years of knowing someone means not a jot - to 'them' my identity was and, it seems, remains, simply an entity, as 'wife' to MrB. And as I am no longer in a relationship with MrB, I therefore have no relationship with 'them'. I had kinda figured this out, what with the complete lack of concern or, indeed, any contact whatsoever from the 'In-Laws' since this whole thing went down. But I had hoped that they knew me better... that they must know there had to be a reason for me to do what I did.
But apparently the spin is: Actonb is unstable and in need of professional help.
It seems that some people are failing to realise that in order for 'this' to work, and there being no readily-accessible roadmap or rulebook to consult, there kinda needs to be a relationship of sorts between us all - if only for the sake of the children. So yeah, I will be civil, I will be pleasant, I will be the bigger person here... but man, if they want to bring the Bitch, then honey, I got game...
So, phone conversation over, I did what every 21st century grrrl does:
I unfriended them all on Facebook. Every single last one of 'em.*
That'll learn 'em.
* It might help at this point to imagine that line from Pulp Fiction. You know, that, line...
In sand, and under, um, things.
You see, apparently, 14 years of knowing someone means not a jot - to 'them' my identity was and, it seems, remains, simply an entity, as 'wife' to MrB. And as I am no longer in a relationship with MrB, I therefore have no relationship with 'them'. I had kinda figured this out, what with the complete lack of concern or, indeed, any contact whatsoever from the 'In-Laws' since this whole thing went down. But I had hoped that they knew me better... that they must know there had to be a reason for me to do what I did.
But apparently the spin is: Actonb is unstable and in need of professional help.
It seems that some people are failing to realise that in order for 'this' to work, and there being no readily-accessible roadmap or rulebook to consult, there kinda needs to be a relationship of sorts between us all - if only for the sake of the children. So yeah, I will be civil, I will be pleasant, I will be the bigger person here... but man, if they want to bring the Bitch, then honey, I got game...
So, phone conversation over, I did what every 21st century grrrl does:
I unfriended them all on Facebook. Every single last one of 'em.*
That'll learn 'em.
* It might help at this point to imagine that line from Pulp Fiction. You know, that, line...
Virtual dumping of ex-family....I love it.
Sorry that they're being such idiots Actonb.
It's lovely when people use the old 'therapy card' against you.
'Oh, she must have iss-ues!'
I know I'm in dire need of therapy again myself - but blogging and wine may just help.
Poss. xxx
I would do exactly the same. And any I was umming and aahing over I would put on limited profile so they knew they were on probation.
Take care x
did you get the same joy as you would have gotten from putting a black texta through their names in the teledex???
Ouch actonb. That is seriously asinine behaviour on their parts.
The facebook defriend is a powerful thing....
My advice at this point is that you should ask the Caped Ukeleinator to drop in on these people and explain the reality of the situation through song.
I am assuming this is one of his (no doubt many) skills.
Oh, and tell him to call me if he needs backup (vocals)
yes but i want to know how good it felt??
poss - hey! how are you... and how's the little puppy???? I mean, I quite obviously have 'issues' but that they've drawn around the wagons in such an obvious way kinda rankles.
leilani - it was actually harder to change my status from 'married' to 'Um, no status actually'.
ponder - heee! There was a degree, of 'Ha! Take that!' CLICK!
TC - It's just making certain things easier to a degree... making the walking-away seem more real.
INC - HEEE! I'm sure the Caped Ukeleinator would love to do that... cept my in-laws kinda scare him, poor lamb. And they are not of the uke-loving ilk.
mex - It was a powerful combination of spite and sadness and satisafaction...
Well, it wouldn't be nearly so funny if they were of the uke loving ilk.
If the caped one is not keen, I'll go. I can assure you that after 10 minutes of being treated to the musical stylings of INC then these people will completely forget that they think that you need professional help.
Hey ActonB, I've been talking to the Caped Ukuleleinator and he will there in a flash and a KA-ZAM! Any help on BV's would be most appreciated. Ukulicious Mike is also keen to join the posse, BRING IT ON!
We got game babe, oh yes, we got game...
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