Friday, October 06, 2006

Extreme Randomness...

[For those to whom normal everyday C&C just ain't random enough]

* I was watching First Tuesday Book Club the other night. Despite the horrendously unwieldy name, I actually quite like it. And make a committment to stay up until the ungodly hour of 10pm to indulge. My slight girl crush on Marieke Hardy may have something to do with it, but I prefer to think that it's all about the books. And Jennifer Byrne being a goddess. I just want to hug her, she so enthusiastic about The Books.
Anyhoo - I want to join a book club, but since I have a total of ZipZeroZilch free time, I'm thinking about just having a book club of one. I shall post my opinion on each of the books discussed each month. I shall even play devil's advocate if no-one else wants to join me.

* Black and Gold Cheese-flavoured Corn Chips are truely vile. But since I've somehow managed to spontaneously stuff my ankle, I'm unable to hobble anywhere else for some sustenence.

* I am going to make Roasted Pumpkin and Goats Cheese salad this weekend. I shall also wear white flannel trousers and walk along the beach.

* John Howard and Philip Ruddock continue to make me weep inside. John Valder's letter to the SMH today gave me hope...
Liberals should listen to this voice of reason
As one of a growing body of former Liberals, I commend Petro Georgiou for his courage in saying in public what so many of us have been thinking about today's federal Liberal Party. It is 20 years since I was the party's federal president, when
John Howard was its aspiring leader - and when I was possibly his strongest
Since then I, like so many others, have become disillusioned to the point of dropping my party membership. In retrospect this has probably been a mistake because we have vacated the field for those of a more right-wing persuasion. Why have so many devout Liberal Party members become so disillusioned? Space prevents me going into detail. Suffice it to say that we see the Prime Minister and his supporters regularly lacking in standards, principles and vision. Hypocrisy has become the order of the day. It is, and has been, about using every short-term political trick to win successive elections.
There is no doubt John Howard is master of these tactics, regardless of what may be the national interest. We can only wish that he and those of his supporters hoping for re-election next year pay much more respect to the views of the Petro Georgious of the party.
John Valder Bayview

* I have a new CD by Lou Rhodes. I got it from Birdland Records after being dragged there by my Best Friend Evah. It's such a sweet esoteric whimiscal CD, and I would never have bought it unless they'd been playing it over the PA and I felt drawn to the passion in her voice. Serendipity. Now it's permanently in my CD player in the car, and provides a peaceful oasis for me every day.

Have a good weekend peoples. And don't let bugs of any persuasion bite you...

Post script: I have having unbelievable problems posting photos to Blogger. What is going on?


Blogger Mountjoy said...

Techno only post first: With the photos, AB, upload them as normal. If they dont show up on your post, go to a past post, and snip the HTML that describes the photo (it will be the stuff right up the top). Paste it into your new post and change the photo name to your new photo. I find I have to do that 50% of the time... its not that they dont upload, but for some reason they dont "transfer" to the blog (whihc is why you can then just add HTML to point to the photo and it appears).

9/10/06 9:52 am  
Blogger Mountjoy said...

Okay, now the Marieke Hardy stuff. I fully understand the crush, AB - she was impish. I stumbled onto that show, and thought she was a nice enough looking poppet. I'd never heard of her, so Googled her (is that like cyber-ogling? Perhaps). I ended up on the same blog you link to and I had then same thought then as I do now - she is rather verbose, isn't she? And I also got a little shat off at her faux-coquettish reaction when Peter Berner started to go down the road of describing genitalia (all in good taste as part of a book review, mind you)... it seemed very contrived for someone so young.

9/10/06 10:03 am  
Blogger actonb said...

Ta Donnie - shall try that next time. It's shitting me bigtime.
Marieke Hardy - very verbose. And precocious. If you can call a 30 year old precocious, but you know what I mean. And I was glad she didn't go into too much detail about the 'women's bits' as Miss M was sitting with me, impatiently waiting for it to finish so she could watch the last hour of LOTR: Return of the King. It's holidays. That's my excuse, and I', sticking with it.

9/10/06 10:18 am  
Blogger Mountjoy said...

At 10:00PM????? (or later?)

I'm calling child services....

9/10/06 11:26 am  
Blogger actonb said...

I know I know. I blame her father. He's the one who decided she was old enough to watch LOTR, so they watched all 3 of them on consecutive nights. Tuesday night was actually The Two Towers, not RofK. Extended version of course. She didn't get to bed until after 11pm. But at least I didn't add 'inappropriate literary allusions' to the rapsheet.

9/10/06 11:31 am  

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