Saturday, July 15, 2006

Twins turning Two: consequences...

I love Good Weekend. It brings so much Saturday morning breakfast table funniness. Especially the last page. Now MrB is deeply suspicious of astrology. So much so, that he doesn't actually know what his star-sign is (he's a Libran). So he didn't actually get Ptomoly II's Starlite column. In fact he was ranting at me about how unbelievably crappy TGW was getting, with this whole astrology thing. Until I pointed out how deeply satirical it was. And then he only half got it anyway.
Now, my point - and yes I do actually have one - bearing in mind that it is a ridiculoous piss-take of astrology, it's very creepy that this week Mr Ptomoly has got it spot-on.
In another case of the Overshare (yes, thank-you, I've been much enjoying the June edition of Eve magazine) just the other day I was bemoaning the lack of pertness in my chestal area. It's all Go Fug Yourself's fault - they've been picking on ladies who are experiencing the um, droopiness common to most women of a certain age, especially those of us who have borne and nursed babies. Poor Emma, poor Heidi... I feel their pain. Mine endured the rigours of feeding Daughters 1 & 2 relatively well. They just haven't recovered from the Hell that is Breast-feeding Twins. For 16 months. And I don't think they're ever coming back. I'm left with mere shadows of their former 'pertness-personified' selves... *sob*
Now push-up bras are a most excellent invention, and really I am truely thankful for them. However there comes a time, in fact *hopefully* there are many times, where a bra is not able to be relied upon to give one 'lift' as it were. And this is how I come to the point where I am considering drastic measures... It was MrB who brought it up first, in his oh-so-senstive way "Why don't you just get a boob job? You can get them on Private Health Insurance can't you?" I was horrified. Gobsmacked even. And then I thought, well why the hell not...?
Once upon a time I could never have countenenced even the vague suggestion of plastic surgery... Now...? I guess I'm mellowing. And am a lot less judgemental about things that once I was...

And so to GW. My horoscope:
Scorpio Oct 24 - Nov 22
With Saturn orbiting at its zenith, almost every aspect of your life is destined for an unprecedented lift - from career to love-lifeto home. Your surgeon can assist with any droopy aspects that Saturn can't salvage.


Blogger actonb said...

It ain't going to happen. I'm just feeling mopey and frumpy.
I'll get over it!
And all this from the woman who is *attempting* to go grey gracefully.

17/7/06 10:06 am  
Blogger fingers said...

Your tits are turning grey ??
I'm not a doctor but that sounds bad; poor circulation perhaps.
Come down to the clinic for a free examination...

17/7/06 11:36 am  

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