Thursday, July 06, 2006

Forever Friends?

I've been dwelling on the issue of friendship lately. What is a friend? What's the difference between friends, acquaintances, colleagues... When does a friend kinda stop being a friend? When does a mate become a Best Friend Forever (TM)? And if you are a BFF, can you ever unbecome one?
Also, if you share friends with your partner, when does the pre-existing relationship take precedence over the tacked-on friendship?
Hmmm... The dilemmas...

I don't have any friends left from primary school, but that doesn't worry me at all. And I am in awe of people who have managed to keep friendships going for that long. The shared experience of an entire life, it's kinda cool. I do however have a few friends from High School that will remain in the BFF section of my heart. And it's Cathy, my BFF that I met on the first day of Year 7, all those long years ago (OK, scarily, it was 20 years ago) that I've been thinking about a lot recently. I got the new Dixie Chicks album, and the title track 'The Long Way Around' just says 'Cathy' to me:-

My friends from high school
Married their high school boyfriends
Moved into houses
In the same ZIP codes where their parents live
But I. I could never follow
No I. I could never follow
I hit the highway
In a pink RV with stars on the ceiling
Lived like a gypsy
Six strong hands on the steering wheel
I've been a long time gone now
Maybe someday, someday I'm gonna settle down
But I've always found my way somehow
By takin the long way round.

She's over in Marjorca now, doing, um, stuff. She's worked on the huge yachts that berth there, working as a chef. She's taught English in China. She's been married and divorced. She bought a place in Little Eveleigh St. She just did, does, whatever the hell she wants. I admire that in a girl!
We were inseparable throughout high school, provoking the usual Shire suspicion that we were in fact... (whisper it) Lesbians! We weren't, of course, but it kinda amused us that our classmates just didn't have the same depth of friendship with each other. And of course, we had a MASSIVE fight just before the HSC, mainly due to the fact that we would shortly be headed in very different directions... We didn't speak for about 8 years. Then I rang her, while I was living in the UK. She was in Spain. We caught up, and it was like... it was like nothing had ever happened. We slipped back into the knowing exactly what each other thought, picking up on every little nuance of character. I played 'Articulate' with her, and we blitzed it! One word could convey a multitude of things between us. So much more so than between MrB and I.
I need to email her... I miss Cathy.



Blogger fingers said...

I hear you Nic but resist the temptation to go back to lesbianism.
Think of the children.
As a recovering lesboholic myself, you have my full support...

7/7/06 6:48 am  
Blogger MissE said...

I like the friendships where you can not see each other for years and it's like you saw each other yesterday.

My BFF from High school have fallen out recently (well ... in the lats three years). Loved the girl, but it was time to move on, I think. You're lucky.

7/7/06 8:10 am  
Blogger Mex said...

ive recently got in contact with one of my oldest friends from school after a period of about 7 years.

i google stalked her...

7/7/06 10:44 am  
Blogger mushroom said...

1 restraining order for you bunny boiler ;-)

7/7/06 11:22 am  
Blogger Mex said...

i google stalk everyone mushie.

i know where your girlfriend works...

7/7/06 11:58 am  
Blogger actonb said...

I think it'd be pretty hard to google stalk Cathy. She's kinda off the radar.

7/7/06 12:07 pm  
Blogger Mex said...

aha! and now i know her name too...

but seriously - i do know where she works.

7/7/06 12:34 pm  

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