Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Random Bits of Randomness

Ooh. It's been a while... well, over a week, and that's a while in blogspeak. For me anyways...

And I'm only popping back in to have chuck a slight wobbley about the fact the STUPID Ten still hasn't scheduled Supernatural...

And then I discover that this unpublished diatribe worked wonders and yayness! Supernatural starts next Monday...

So I opened my SMH this morning and had a little seizure. But it's OK, just my tendency to overreact. Well it's OK for me, just not for some other poor family.

I'm stressing, stressing so damn much about this trip to Malaysia. I have to be a grown-up, a professional, and to be honest, it freaks the hell out of me. I have to give a presentation, a power-point presentation. And really, you have no idea how much fear that word inspires in me.. well two words really, just joined together in hyphenated hell...

I'm worried about leaving MrB and the girls for a week. I'm worried about being bamboozled with techno-speak for a week. I'm worried that I'm not going to be able to exercise restraint over my renowned lack of tact. I'm worried that I'm going to miss out on laksa-eating opportunities. I'm worried I'm going to have to build a raft. I'm worried that I'm going to miss SYTYCD.

You know? I would make a crap farmer. So completely and utterly. I started sobbing, real heaving sobs, about the fact the one of the rabbits lost her litter of kittens. She just didn't have any goodness left to feed them as her 4 week old took it all. So the baby rabbits just ... died. And I cried. And I cried when we decided to dispatch the last of the brown feral bunnies (who sat and lurked in the back of the hutch, petrified of us to the very end ... (understandably it turns out...)) to join Mr Rabbit in the great Warren in the Sky. Really. I am quite pathetic, and I just know that hormones are not to blame.

I have so much stuff swirling round in my head and just can't pour it out onto the page. It's very Harry Potter. All silvery stuff that can't form itself into anything other than random words that don't go together. Kind of like a TWoP Dr Who recap...

And I'm so damn tired and I keep dreaming about dead bunnies. This is not good, right?

On a lighter note, I just watched Amy Winehouse's Rehab and I'm a total convert... It's true that Natalie's Gauci's performance on Idol was very... well, pop... and Dicko's crack about the Solid Gold Dancers was highlarious, but it's been stuck in my head since Sunday... so I checked out the original and wow! loved it...

So, um, yeah... how is everyone?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i thought you'd forgotten your password.

what is your talk in malaysia on???

9/10/07 4:06 pm  
Blogger gigglewick said...

I have a love-hate relationship with power-point.

Mostly hate.

But you will be fine - just remember not to use star-wipe all the time, Homer-style.

9/10/07 10:07 pm  
Blogger killerrabbit said...

No nooo nooo - Yes Rehab is great. Winehouse has a magic voice and you can understand the hype when you hear it.

Poor rabbits! Poor you!

10/10/07 10:05 am  
Blogger Thursday's Child said...

You will be great. GREAT I tell you.

Big hugs. And poor bunnies, but poor you. MrB and the girls will be fine, and tell MrB he can get on bit torrenting!

10/10/07 4:57 pm  
Blogger I'm not Craig said...

I recommend the openning line that the real actual Craig frequently uses in power point presentations (and, as I once discovered, wedding speeches), which goes like this:

For those of you who don't know me from a bar of soap, I brought a prop.

*holds up bar of soap*

People will be talking about it for years to come.

10/10/07 8:40 pm  

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