Weekend Wrap-Up
Pretty boring weekend overall, but a couple of things I'll deign to share with you all...
* The Northern Tigers (Junior Australian Football) ROCK!!!!
Miss M played in her U-9s Quarter Final, hammering the hapless Highland Hawks. Final score - 101 to nil. Yay Miss M!
* Dr Who (David Tennant) gets yummier and scrummier as the series progresses. Rose's eyebrows get more and more perplexing...
* Due to the overwhelming boring and sedateness of my group of friends, who have managed to ignore my increasingly unsubtle hints, I had to do my own bit of insane dancing last night. No need for trips to the Retro to dance my arse off, all that was required was my lounge room, a couple of bewildered children, and the Steps Greatest Hits album. I'm knackered. I gave myself a stitch. But at least I slept well.
And top of the morning to you all...
Ahh, David Tennant. I have loved thee since you played a crazy man on a show set in a mental institution which I can no longer remember the name of...
Lounge room dancing is best done completely drunk. But it is recommened to move the coffee table prior, rather than during and with your kneecap...
see - when i dance in my lounge room the whole house shakes. i am afeared that one day the lounge room will end up in the shop downstairs.
Rose's eyebrows don't concern me as much as her eyelashes. Have you seen how much mascara they pack onto her face? It looks like she has several small sticks embeded in her eyes. Mascara is meant to be subtlely enhancing!
The lunge-room dancing involved much jumping and hair flinging. The girls were ... bemused.
MrB was concerned about the floor...
KR - I'm sorry. Rose's eyebrows look as if they're related to our Beloved Leader... They're just so Wrong. But I concede, the msacara is indeed um, icky.
Lounge room dancing is great, just not when your flatmates come home and find you in mid-fling...
i forgot to tell you, my boss at the cafe has pee'd in the same cubicle with Faye from Steps. i think they pashed as well.
Who the hell are steps?
Steps sang the unforgettable "5, 6, 7, 8". When I worked in a primary school the junior kids used to teach me all the choreographed dance steps. At a pinch, I could probably still do them.
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