Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Encounters of the Boomer kind

The other day I had the privilege of spending a few days with Actual Howard Voters™ (AHV). You know, they really are differently-programmed. Really truly. Things that I and MrB think are undeniable truisms to them are actually, well, debatable. And I'm not even talking contentious issues such as Hicks and Iraq, these are things that, as Christians, we should be agreeing on... yet don't.

The weird thing is:

MrB's parents are Christians, both from working-class backgrounds, but now both solidly middle-class. You don't get much more bourgeois than the Shire! They ran a Small Business, and have backgrounds in nursing and banking. Your average everyday BabyBoomer in fact.

My parents are not Christians, both from working-class backgrounds, but both now solidly middle-class. And yes, they also live in the Shire. They run a Small Business - also your average Baby Boomers.

And yet, politically, MrB and I have so much more in common with my parents, not his. Very weird.

They are so similar in many ways, and yet so vastly different in terms of their political views. My parents are avowedly left-wing on most social issues, proud of their trade union heritage, yet not so narrow-minded that they're not prepared to see positives in some more right-wing policies. They were always supporters of the GST for instance... MrB's parents?


Back to the AHV™s... we didn't even discuss Hicks, because there's seriously no point. But we did discuss Iraq - and it's the only thing that they disagree with Howard over. The only thing. And it's only because we haven't won yet.

We threw at them:

  • WorkChoices - they say it's all good because employers are the salt of the earth and need a break because these rascally employees just rort the system.
  • Detention Centres - (in particular the recent story about the Sri Lankans being sent directly back to Sri Lanka) - they say it's all good because there were thousands and thousands of 'asylum seekers' - hordes in fact - coming over in boats to rort our system... [My question - What would Jesus Do? He said to take in the strangers... His reply - Render unto Caesar. At this point I exploded (and I had been very very good and had bitten my tongue on so many occasions) Right. So using that logic Jesus would have done nothing about the Holocaust and the gas chambers, because y'know Hitler said it was OK????? And you really don't need to know what his reply was.]
  • Notable Christians taking the Government to task over the serious slide in social welfare over the last 12 years - they say they're not really evangelicals so it doesn't matter what they say... and besides they're all out to rort the system.

My all-time fave quote of the weekend, from MrsB Sr, was: I don't think Howard's a Christian. But he does listen to his wife a lot, really respects her... and she's a lovely Christian lady. Fred Nile says so.

Hmmm. Quite so. [How precisely does one respond to that?]

But the biggest thing, the massivest conspiracy theory that I'm surprised I hadn't heard on the interwebs yet, but seems to be the only way these conservatives can actually cope with the web of lies we've been told over Iraq is this:

The reason we haven't found the WMDs is because they were smuggled out of the country into Iran or Syria (doesn't matter which) during the invasion. But they were definitely there, and they definitely very very nasty and scary otherwise there wouldn't have been such an unseemly rush to go to war. Because there's no way that Tony Blair would have supported the invasion without concrete evidence of Saddam's evilness. And he's Labor, so you know we (MrB & I) have to believe him...It's just unfortunate that the haven't found the damn tricksy things. But they were most certainly there. Because they'd never lie to us.

The nasty scary thing is: they believe it. Whole-heartedly.

Updated to hopefully make more sense. In brief: MrB & I are Bleeding Heart, Latte-sippers etc. The object of much derision and scorn by his parents. Who I really do love very much. As long as politics aren't discussed. Because then I struggle to be tactful. Which, as anyone who knows me IRL would know, is a struggle indeed.

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Blogger killerrabbit said...

Wow what a load of tosh. However the scary thing is that they think the lefty opinions are also a load of bollocks. How can everyone who hears the same information have such diametrically opposed views? I blame ACA and Today Tonight - remember when they had journalist credibility rather than scare stories about single mothers on welfare, no I can't either.

28/2/07 10:36 am  
Blogger Mex said...

you should have come to that lecture the other night - and yes, i know you were sick - but i just absolutely CANNOT believe the stuff that is trumped out as the truth.

and as for Ruddock and his..ahem... "assurances"... i call PIGS ARSE!

28/2/07 11:17 am  
Blogger Mars said...

my dad and his wife are staunch AHVs and i am increasingly losing all respect for their opinion on all matters political. according to them... iraq may now be getting a little 'out of hand' and we need to exit.. BUT they mainatin that saddam needed to be bought down, but whatever means. cause he was a 'bad' man.


as for hicks.. well, he was obviously up to something otherwise he wouldn't have been caught.

they miss the point entirely and it makes my blood boil so much, sometimes i speak with my mouth full at the dinner table and spit food!


28/2/07 12:58 pm  
Blogger gigglewick said...

I don't get it - it doesn't matter if some one else makes a good point about the slide in social welfare because they're not in the same religious group as me, even though we hold the same intrinsic values?

If you take that to its logical conclusion, we might as well all walk around with our fingers in our ears screaming LA LA LA LA LA all the time*

Also since when does an issue with the way to solve the problem mean you ignore the problem?

ARGH this makes my blood boil.

PS what evidence is there that Janette Howard is more Christian than John Howard (notwithstanding Fred Nile)...because she smiles a lot? Because she "turns the other cheek"? I don't get that either.

* Who says I don't?

28/2/07 1:01 pm  
Blogger actonb said...

KR - you just have to read Tim Blair* to gain an insight into the fact that yes, perfectly intelligent people can hold completely opposing views to our own, based on the same facts available to us all. I guess it's just the way we're wired. I can't explain it otherwise...

* For purely Research purposes. and to make myself oh-so-cranky in a masochistic way

mex - I know. I did so want to go, and I'm spitting that I missed it. Although I'm wondering what use it would have been, other than to make me angrier and sadder...

mars - precisely. It's the complacency and reluctance to question anything that's most infruriating. And I shouted. But I did manage to keep my gob shut during the Tony Abbott discussion. Mainly because I was so tired I really didn't know what I would say if I opened my mouth...

GW - This is what upsets me most about my in-laws. The arrogant assumption that they are Right. Whatever it is, they're Right. My dearest RevJen is now refusing to call herself an evangelical, simply because the term had been hijacked by people such as my in-laws, to mean a narrow and unloving form of Christianity.
And yes, the idea that they are able to judge the personal faith of both Mr & Mrs Howard, even if based on that reliable source, Fred Nile, is the epitomy of hypocrisy.

28/2/07 3:21 pm  
Blogger Mex said...

oh acton you have certainly got everyone going today havent you!!

you little stick poker you!

28/2/07 3:23 pm  
Blogger killerrabbit said...

*sticks fingers in her ears* Lalalalalalala

Love it Gigglewick this will be my life from now on.

AB I just can't bring myself to do the Tim Blair thing - i would rather not know because it makes me so cross.

1/3/07 10:06 am  
Blogger actonb said...

mex - yes, I'm not entirely sure how I managed that. And MrB is going to be waaaay pissed if he ever finds out.

KR - Oy! I did the *fingers* thing three posts down. It really is the only way of dealing with life at the moment. So much shit getting thrown around...
And Timmay - I only read him in Bloglines, so he doesn't gets the traffic! But still, it's probably not good for my blood pressure!

1/3/07 10:10 am  
Blogger I'm not Craig said...

Oh thank goodness I am not the only Christian who spends a lot of time with other CHristians who are AHVs and I can't understand how these otherwise wonderful people can be so, well, UTTERLY WRONG.

Great post.

1/3/07 10:07 pm  
Blogger actonb said...

INC - Thank you.

It is indeed a problem. Because you suddenly understand why there is so little tolerance for Christians in non-AHV circles.

2/3/07 9:17 am  
Blogger Cinema Minima said...

The shire? Is there some weird Middle-earth thing going on here?

2/3/07 7:28 pm  
Blogger actonb said...

pubman - sorry - shorthand for Sutherland Shire. Home of the Cronulla Riots and Captain Cook's Landing Place. And lots and lots of middle-class mediocrity.
But it's pretty!

2/3/07 7:38 pm  

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