Saturday, April 01, 2006

Oh! gee, um, er...

Oh golly, that was easy!
It's all quiet in here and now I've got stage-fright...

So, to the blog and what it's all about... I'm not entirely sure, but it seems like a good idea. Much like a lot of decisions that I have made in my life - seemed like a good idea at the time. Not that I have regrets, even a few as the Sparrow would say. I don't subscribe to the 'Sliding Doors' mentality, the what ifs...

I like to write things down, to express opinions, and this sure beats playing spider solitare for hours on end.

At the end of Year 12, our year mistress, who was also our 2 and 3U English teacher, gave us all 'awards' - just a little speech about what she thought was special about us, after teaching us for 6 years. I got the 'Alice' award, because Ms Jeffrey believed that over the years I had just become 'curiouser and curiouser...' I kinda liked that. I still do - I like to think that I can't be put in a box, I can't be pinned down. Sure I'm a wife, a mother, a born-again Christian (in the most sedate Anglican way) But firstly I'm me. And at the moment, that me's a little lost...



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